Star Wars: Knights Of The Old Republic Launched on Android
Knights of the Old Republic, which holds the title as being both one of the greatest Star Wars games and one of the greatest games in general, is now finally available on Android. The game have been Available for well over a year on iOS.
Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic was developed by Bioware, the company responsible for every great western RPG of the last fifteen years. Released in 2003, it was the prequel saga we both needed and deserved. Set four thousand years before the fall of Anakin Skywalker and rise of the Galactic Empire. Jedi are so ubiquitous that no one is even impressed with them anymore. The game puts you into a pivotal role during the great Jedi / Sith war which would shape the galaxy for millennia to come.
The developer notes that because the game hasn’t been “slimmed down” in anyway, the file size is quite large (2.4GB). That’s kinda what you get for downloading one of the greatest RPGs of all time. Here’s what you can look forward to.
- An epic Star Wars™ role-playing experience with unique characters, creatures, vehicles and planets.
- Learn to use the Force with over 40 different powers, plus build your own Lightsaber.
- Adventure through iconic Star Wars locations, including Tatooine and the Wookiee homeworld Kashyyyk.
- Choose your party from nine customizable characters, including Twi’leks, Droids and Wookiees.
- Travel to eight enormous worlds in your own starship, the Ebon Hawk.
- A streamlined user interface custom-made for the touch screen helps immerse you in the action.
- Full HID controller support for those gamers that prefer the original control scheme.
- For the first time, KOTOR has achievements!
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