More on Star Wars: Battlefront April 16-19 at The Star Wars Convention?

As we’ve been anxiously awaiting the release of Star Wars Battlefront this year, we’ve heard next to nothing about it. EA has been very tight-lipped about the details of the game and the progression of the release. It’s possible that EA has been quiet about Battlefront in part due to the late release of Hardline that ran into March. Whatever the reasoning, there is a very good chance we will get some great new info about the game and some fans might even have the opportunity to playtest coming up soon.

EA showed Battlefront gameplay footage to retail partners recently and there’s a good chance consumers might see more of it soon. The official Star Wars Convention in Anaheim, California happens on April 16-19 and this would be the perfect time to give some gameplay action and reveals of the game to consumers. EA also told us the “first look” was coming in Spring 2015 so if you’re anxiously awaiting more info and footage from the game, you might be in luck. We’ll keep an eye out on upcoming events and be sure to let you know anything we find related to Battlefront.

We’re at least supposed to see the debut trailer from this convention on April 17th so stay tuned.


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