CAPTURING A GALAXY: AN INTERVIEW WITH ANNIE LEIBOVITZ – EXCLUSIVE Han Solo lounges in the cockpit of the Falcon. His head is tilted, his smile is sly, and his eyes betray an ever-youthful bravado. To his right are two new faces — Rey and Finn. They look confident, excited, cool. In the background is BB-8, the ball-shaped droid. He could be powered off, he could be on. He appears curious and innocent all the same. Above them all is Chewbacca, towering as always, but with a grin and welcoming demeanor. Suddenly, Han’s eyes suggest a here-we-go-again wariness, and he now seems almost protective of his younger companions. We’re home. That’s what you get from an Annie Leibovitz Star Wars photo — the cover photo, in fact, from Vanity Fair’s blowout on Star Wars: The Force Awakens. You get a story, you get character. You get Star Wars. And you get it packaged in Leibovitz’s arresting style of moment-in-time clarity, allowing you to take in expressions, fashions, and attitudes. It’s a...