Revenge of Revan Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II Mod

Here’s something really cool that’s ready (in beta) for you to download now and check it out. Developer Blog asks, “Can a mod be created that won’t disrupt KOTOR canon and still allow players to continue their stories from KOTOR1 and KOTOR2? Ever since the MMO was announced along with the Revan book, this has been on my mind. The short answer is: yes, it can be done. But the next part is, how you can do this without putting yourself in a corner and hurting your creative freedom?”

Revenge of Revan (RoR) does exactlly that. It will allow fans to continue their story based on the choices they make in the last two games so they can continue while still fitting the KoTOR canon. Even with the non-strict canon choice the story for the mod will still fit nicely between KOTOR2 and SWTOR in the large grand scheme of events, but finer details will be different.

The developer explains more here:

For those who want to define their experience based on their choices in KOTOR1/KOTOR2 will be given a good deal of freedom. Players can set up Revan’s and Exile’s alignments and gender at the beginning of the game. Your last companion is actually determined by whether Revan was light side or dark side at the end of the KOTOR1. During the adventure there will be points where you will be able to clarify events from the past two installments. These moments are where the player cannot only define the major choices like Revan and Exile, but also define other choices made including to whether Onderon is ruled by Queen Talia or General Vaklu. Some choices will have a larger impact than others in the mod.
If you’d like to learn even more about it, check out this post on


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