Entertainment Weekly Previews Star Wars: The Force Awakens

The summer days are dwindling, but then so is the silent clock in everyone’s head. It’s like 1999 all over again — everyday brings us closer to Star Wars returning to the big screen.
For some the wait may feel like torture, but this month’s Entertainment Weekly is guaranteed to satiate the appetite of even the biggest diehard fan. The magazine’s annual Fall Movie Preview centers on an exclusive Q&A with J.J. Abrams, who divulges some interesting tidbits about The Force Awakens and talks about Harrison Ford’s return as Han Solo. EW’s Star Wars coverage also gives us a closer look at the film’s main antagonist, Kylo Ren, and provides 12 new images of the highly-anticipated film due out this Christmas.

Finally, there’s a revealing feature about what convinced J.J. Abrams to direct The Force Awakens after he initially refused. Perhaps Lucasfilm president, Kathleen Kennedy, persuaded him with the powers of the dark side. Actually, she just asked one very simple question.
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