As a member of the (very small) social media team here at Lucasfilm, I have the honor of reading, responding to, laughing at, loving, and sharing all of your Star Wars conversations every day. Our fans are creative, passionate, funny, and very active across the Internet; every Friday, I’ll share my favorite social media posts from the week in the Social Scanner, so show me what you’ve got!
With the blizzard in the northeast, there were a lot of Hoth jokes. We hope everyone’s tauntauns made it to their markers safely.
If the sheer awesomeness of Star Wars #1 is any indicator of what else Marvel has up their sleeves, consider me properly hyped for this mysterious upcoming miniseries.
Speaking of reading, this might just be the coolest Little Free Library I’ve ever seen. If you’re not familiar with the movement, these are homemade boxes that neighbors use to lend and borrow books with each other on the honor system. It’s a great way to spread the Star Wars love.
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