Star Wars: Battlefront vs EA’s Open World Star Wars Game!
The new and upcoming Star Wars: Battlefront has not received a release date as of yet, but we do know that the date of “Holiday 2015” means that we have something to look forward to. Hopefully we will have some excellent gaming before we get our hands on the new Battlefront game. The question we want to ask today is would you rather play Star Wars: Battlefront or EA’s Open World Star Wars game?
The only information that has been released for Star Wars: Battlefront is that there should be a small connection to the Star Wars: Episode VII-The Force Awakens, something in the likeness of easter eggs or characters and ships. Kotaku confirmed that EA was in development of an open world style game set in the Star Wars universe, but there are no details about what the game will include. We think that it will not be another MMO since SWTOR is already going really well. We are assuming that it may take the style of GTA V, maby.
Imagine being able to switch from different characters, one minute you could be a Jedi and the next you are a Bounty Hunter. One thing that GTA V has proven is that open world games with only one character available to play is something that has been overdone, it’s time to step it up a notch.
But is Star Wars: Battlefront the EA game that you’d select over the prospect of an open world Star Wars game? A while back, Kotaku confirmed the EA development of an open world game set within this universe, though we don’t know exactly what the game shall entail, there are certain genres that can be ruled out.
For instance, seeing as EA developed The Old Republic, the next game is almost certainly not going to be a new MMO. It would be a ridiculous strategy to develop yet another after trying so hard to make TOR a successful creation. Therefore, can we assume that the game may follow the model of GTA V, or even Dragon Age: Inquisition?
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